杰出校友(第七期) – Outstanding Alumni (Issue Seven)

Issue Seven

林凡 Fan Lin | 郑榕岚 Ronglan Zheng | 关小明 Xiaoming Guan



Fan Lin (林凡), M.D., Ph.D.

Dr. Fan Lin is currently the Director of Anatomic Pathology, Geisinger Medical laboratory (GML) at Geisinger Health System in Danville, Pennsylvania, one of the largest state-of-the-art healthcare systems in the U.S. He serves as a reviewer for many pathology journals and also as an associate editor for the Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine (APLM), the official journal of the College of American Pathologists- the largest pathology association in the world. He is also the president-elect of the Chinese American Pathologists Association for 2015-2017.

Dr. Lin has authored more than 80 articles in peer-reviewed pathology journals and presented more than 150 posters/platform presentations at pathology society meetings. He leads the Geisinger anatomic pathology group in making contributions to the field of immunohistochemistry (IHC), including publishing the Handbook of Practical Immunohistochemistry—Frequently Asked Questions and its free companion immunohistochemistry web site ( HYPERLINK “http://www.ihcfaq.comwww.ihcfaq.com), and creating the quarterly Geisinger IHC Newsletter. More recently, he has been invited to organize a Special section of review articles related to diagnostic IHC for APLM. His research on “immunohistochemical diagnosis of tumor of unknown origin”, the most difficult area of diagnostic pathology, has advanced in the field of pathology, and is well recognized internationally by his peers. Under Dr. Lin’s leadership, GML has evolved into one of the highest quality and nationally well-regarded medical laboratories.

Dr. Lin received his MD degree from Fujian Medical University (Fuzhou, the People’s Republic of China) in 1984 and his PhD in Biological Sciences under Dr. Gary E. Wise from the University of North Texas (Denton) in 1992. He completed an anatomic pathology/clinical pathology residency at the University of Chicago Hospital in 1999, followed by a one year cytopathology fellowship at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas.

Dr. Lin is a great supporter to AAFMUA, actively participating in the AAFMUA Education Foundation and promoting clinical exchanges with FMU. He has been a Guest Professor of FMU since 2000. For the past decade, Dr. Lin has given many lectures for the pathologists at FMU and has closely collaborated with Dr.晋雯 in the Department of Pathology at FMU. They published the book titled “实用细针穿刺病理学” in Chinese, and organized a FNA (fine needle aspiration) workshop at FMU, both of which have impacted the field of diagnostic cytopathology in Fujian and in China.

Dr. Lin is an outstanding individual and a great leader. It is rare to find an individual who has both academic leadership achievements in combination with administrative experience. Being his classmate, colleague and friend, I am very proud of what he has accomplished and look forward to his continued success in the future.

Dr. Lin’s selected publications and books: 

  1. Lin F and Staerkel G: Cytologic criteria for well-differentiated adenocarcinoma of pancreas in fine needle aspiration specimens. Cancer Cytopathol 2003; 99:44-50.
  2. Lin F, Zhang PL, Yang XJ, et al. Human Kidney Injury Molecule-1 (hKIM-1): A Useful Immunohistochemical Marker For Diagnosing Renal Cell Carcinoma and Ovarian Clear Cell Carcinoma. A J Surg Pathol 2007;31:371-381.
  3. Lin F, Shi J, Liu H, Hull ME, Dupree W, Prichard JW, Brown RE, Zhang J, Wang HL, Schuerch C. Diagnostic Utility of S100P and von Hippel-Lindau Gene Product (pVHL) in Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma-With Implication of Their Roles in Early Tumorigenesis. Am J Surg Pathol. 2008;32 (1):78-91.
  4. F Lin, J Shi, H Liu et al. Immunohistochemical detection of the von Hippel-Lindau gene product (pVHL) in human tissues and tumors: a diagnostic marker for metastatic renal cell carcinoma and clear cell carcinoma of the ovary and uterus. A J Clinical Pathology 2008;129:592-605.
  5. Haiyan Liu, Jianhui Shi, Vasuki Anandan, Hanlin L. Wang, David Diehl, Joseph Blansfield, Glenn Gerhard, Fan Lin. Reevaluation and identification of the best immunohistochemical panel (pVHL, maspin, S100P, IMP-3) for adenocarcinoma of the pancreas. Archives of Path and Lab Med. 2012;136:601-609.
  6. Haiyan Liu, Jianhui Shi, Myra L.Wilkerson, Fan Lin. Immunohistochemical evaluation of GATA3 expression in tumors and normal tissues – a useful immunomarker for breast and urothelial carcinomas. AJCP 2012;138:57-64.
  7. Dana T. Timek Jianhui Shi, Haiyan Liu, Fan Lin. Arginase-1, HepPar-1, and glypican-3 are the most effective panel of markers in distinguishing hepatocellular carcinoma from metastatic tumor on fine needle aspiration specimens. AJCP 2012;138:203-210.
  8. Adelina Luong-Player, Haiyan Liu, Hanlin L Wang, Fan Lin. Immunohistochemical Re-evaluation of Carbonic Anhydrase IX (CA IX) Expression in Tumors and Normal Tissues.  AJCP 2014;141:219-225.
  9. Lin F, Shi J, Zhu S, Chen Z, Li A, Chen T, Wang HL, Liu H. Cadherin-17 and SATB2 Are Sensitive and Specific Immunomarkers for Medullary Carcinoma of the Large Intestine. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2014;138:1015-1026.
  10. Fan Lin and Haiyan Liu. Application of immunohistochemistry in undifferentiated neoplasms/tumor of uncertain origin.  Review article.  Archives of Path & Lab Med. 2014; 138:1583-1610.


Atlas of Practical Application of Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy. Chinese version edited by Fan Lin, Wen Jin, Jun Zhang, Haiyan Liu. Beijing, China: Chinese Academic of Sciences Publisher (www.sciencep.com); June 2008.

Handbook of Practical Immunohistochemistry – Frequently Asked Questions.  Edited by Fan Lin, Jeff Prichard, Haiyan Liu, Myra Wilkerson, and Conrad Schuerch. Springer, June 2011.

Handbook of Practical Immunohistochemistry – Frequently Asked Questions. 2nd edition.   Edited by Fan Lin, Jeff Prichard, Haiyan Liu, Myra Wilkerson, Zongming Chen, and Conrad Schuerch. Springer, January 2015.

福医七九级校友 张凯



—- 记福医旅美杰出校友郑榕岚博士



郑榕岚同学是我们福医七七级学姐,历任福医旅美校友会第四届和第五届副会长、第六届和第七届会长。我和她于2004年在纽约相识,那时,她已经获得Ph.D.学位并通过了Medical Board 的考试,刚完成了在SUNY Upstate Medical University 的康复科住院医师训练,搬到纽约长岛准备开业。此后,我们在校友会的工作中有了更多的接触和了解,深为她的热情、真诚、乐于奉献的精神所感动,也被她包容、谦虚、善于协调的个人特质和卓越的领导才能所折服。

尽管临床工作繁忙,郑榕岚同学依然在工作之余为组织校友联谊活动投注了大量的时间和精力。在担任校友会副会长及会长的八年时间里,她积极参与组织和统筹了每年一次的校友聚会或郊游活动,并多次在长岛家里举办烧烤活动接待母校访美人员和本地校友。在第七届会长任内,倡导并参与组织了校友会首次远程度假活动,让几十位校友及家属在风光秀丽的墨西哥Cancun 海滨度假村度过了一个难忘的圣诞佳节。所有这些,极大地丰富了旅美校友的业余生活,增进了广大校友间的彼此了解,加强了校友会的凝聚力。


作为旅美校友间最重要的沟通平台,校友会网站一直扮演着纽带的作用。郑榕岚同学在会长任内,大力支持校友会网站的完善工作,并组织人员在这个网站上搭建了<<学术交流>>、<<旅游>>、<<养生保健>>、<<美食>>、<<摄影>>等多个博客群及<<每周一歌>>栏目,以方便校友间的科研及临床信息交流,分享在异国他乡的生活经验和体会。她还亲自花时间建立了<<在美国行医的校友>> (https://fjmufriends.com/806-2/physicians/ )及<<在美国从事基础研究的校友>> (https://fjmufriends.com/806-2/researchers/) 两个网上资料库,方便了校友和母校交流合作。




郑灵    2015年4月26日(稿)


Xiaoming Guan, MD, Ph.D.

关小明 (Xiaoming Guan) MD,PhD
关医生1992年毕业于福建医科大学。从福建医科大学毕业后,关医生在福建医科大学附属协和医院从事心血管外科,而后曾就读于浙江大学心血管外科并于2000年获得心血管外科博士学位。关医生现任美国贝勒医学院 (Baylor College of Medicine) 和德州儿童医院 (Texas Children’s Hospital) 妇产科副教授,贝勒医学院微创妇科专业主任 (Chief in Section of Minimally Invasive Gynecology), 本托总医院 (Ben Taub General Hospital) 妇科主任,美国贝勒医学院妇产科中国全球化促进会主任。

担任现职之前,关医生曾于2005年在美国纽约西奈山医学院 (New York Mount Sinai Medical University) 附属St. Joseph 医院接受妇产科住院医生以及总住院医生培训。在此期间,他获得了美国腔镜协会(AAGL)颁发的“妇产科住院医生优秀妇科微创奖”。关医生于2010年在贝勒医学院接受美国腔镜协会微创妇科专科培训(AAGL Fellowship Training)。专科培训毕业后,关医生在2011年被贝勒医学院聘为助理教授并从事微创妇科工作。在2012年获得美国妇产科协会(ACOG)优秀教师奖。关医生对妇产科的理论及实践造诣极深,尤其在微创妇科领域出类拔萃。他是美国妇科腔镜协会 (AAGL) 微创妇科专科培训基地 (Fellowship Training Program) 的总负责人(Program Director)。


早在2013年,年轻的关医生就被贝勒医学院聘为副教授。2014年关医生出任美国妇科腔镜协会(AAGL)和贝勒医学院微创妇科专科培训基地的总负责人(Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Fellowship Program Director) 以及贝勒医学院微创妇科专业主任 (Section Chief of Minimally Invasive Gynecology)。关医生擅长于子宫内膜异位症、子宫肌瘤、盆腔痛、尿失禁、子宫脱垂以及与怀孕相关的妇科疾病等的微创治疗。他在机器人手术(Robotic Surgery)、3 毫米腔镜手术、单孔手术 (Single Incision) 以及手助腔镜手术 (Hand assisted) 方面有很深的造诣。在今年即2015年的7月31日,德州休斯顿医学中心以专题新闻全面介绍了关医生在机器人单孔妇科手术方面的成就。 关医生的“达文西外科手术系统(The da Vinci Si Surgical System)单孔妇科微创手术”的确是”引领徳州,走向世界”! 关医生现在贝勒医学院有盆腔痛和子宫内异症的专科门诊。现80%手术是经肚脐单孔完成的。


关医生在贝勒医学院担负医学院学生和住院医生的泌尿妇科以及微创手术的临床教学,讲授“Pelvic Organ Prolapse and Stress urinary incontinence”、 “What Every Practicing OBGYN Needs to Know About Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery?”、 “Single incision gynecologic surgeries and morcellation”、 “ Robotic vs Laparoscopic Surgeries” 等等。关医生现正在创建和完善贝勒医学院的妇产科住院医生以及专科训练基地 (Residence and Fellowship Training Program) 微创外科的标准教学课程。他还经常到美国各处巡回授课。关医生的研究成果包括发表在Hand assisted Gynecologic Surgeries、 Laparoscopic and Robotic Single Incision Surgeries、Journal of Society of Laparoscopic Surgeons 及 The Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology 等专业期刊上的20多篇文章。关医生曾多次参加并分会主持American Heart Associate (AHA), Global Congress in Minimally Invasive Gynecology 等重大国际会议,并作大会发言20余次。

多年来,关医生对中国妇科发展有着巨大的热情。他在百忙中积极帮助培养中国的妇科医生。他与中美各大学进行广泛的学术交流。关医生现正参与北京协和孙大为教授单孔手术书籍中“机器人单孔”章节的书写;另外还写了一篇“妇科单孔手术的前世今生”介绍单孔手术;与CY Liu 教授(美国腔镜协会前主席)一起促进美国妇科腔镜协会 (AAGL) 与中国妇产科协会(COGA)学术交流。关医生等每年在北京、重庆、上海、西安、杭州、广州举办 COGAAAGL 联合学术交流会议。他从2010年开始讲授 “Essure Training: office Hysteroscopy”、“Tips for the Technically Challenging Procedures: Large Uteri, Obesity and Adhesions”、“Updates in Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery”、“Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Resident Training in the United States”、 “Full Spectrum of Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgeries” from 2 cm SILS to 7 cm Hand-Assisted”、“Robotic Single Incision Surgeries” 等 (网络链接:有关”Robotic Single Incision Surgery”及关医生的介绍)。关医生与重庆第三军医大学西南医院梁志清教授首创美国贝勒医学院妇产科住院医生培训基地,现已有一个住院医生和专科医生(即fellow)完成培训,反响非常好。2014年关医生获聘妇科郎景和院士工作站的进站专家。

前面提过,关医生对国内妇科尤其妇科微创工作,热情奉献,对新手亲自认真培养。他在美国对学会工作和社区工作也身体力行。他现为美国妇产科协会 (ACOG), 美国妇科腔镜协会(AAGL), 国际盆腔痛协会,休斯敦华人医生协会和中国妇产科协会 (COGA) 会员。关小明医生在自己的事业取得巨大成功的同时,还热情回馈母校即福建医科大学的发展和提高。关医生也是福建医科大学美国校友会的临床医学委员会的共同主任。前不久,他作为“微信群主”以满腔的热情和福建医科大学的其他美国校友一起创办了微信“AAFMUA-福医北美临床进修群”– 一个由从事临床工作的福医美国校友及曾在美国进修的福医国内校友形成的网络学术讨论“圆桌”、进行平等、即时、广泛的学术交流。顺便一提,由关小明、林艳丰、许旭东、陈艳等福医校友创办、得到校友会积极支持的“AAFMUA-福医北美临床进修群”,近两个月内已经进行过六次广受欢迎的“微信医生大查房”(网络连接:有关”微信医生大查房“的网络链接)。


  1. 美国好大夫关小明谈妇科单孔腔镜手术
  2. 校友关小明应邀演讲于第三届北大妇产国际论坛


  • Guan X, Urh A, Walsh TM, Ng V. Hand-assisted total laparoscopic hysterectomy of a 5200-gram uterus. CRSLS e2014.00313. DOI: 10.4293/CRSLS.2014.00313.
  • Xiaoming Guan, Robert Zurawin. Interventional Radiology Wire- Guided Balloon Dilataion for Treatment of Cervical Stenosis. Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology 2011, Nov ,18(6), Supplement, S22-S23.
  • Xiaoming Guan, Robert Zurawin. Robotic sacrocolpopexy with rectopexy for the combined treatment of rectal and pelvic organ prolapse. Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology 2011, Nov ,18(6), Supplement, S177.
  • Sam Hessami, Khaled Hassan, Xiaoming Guan, Fares Diarbakerli, Marcus Yung. False negative rate of urodynamic testing in diagnosing occult incontinence with advance prolapse. Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology (2008); 15(6): S26-27.
  • Xiaoming Guan, John K.-J. Li, Gary Drzewiecki, Sanaz Norgard, Mala Trivedi, Joseph Kedem. Uncoupling of Muscle Shortening from Contraction Force in Intact Heart. Cardiovascular Engineering 2005, June; 5(2):45-52.

(August 29, 2015)