纽约时间11月2日,福建医科大学美国校友会(AAFMUA) 会长黄夷伍,致信陈晓春教授,热情洋溢地祝贺他就任福建医科大学校长。全文请见贺信本文:
福建医科大学美国校友会(American Association of Fujian Medical University Alumni, AAFMUA) 在迎接千禧年的钟声中诞生。近50个中美团体和个人发来 贺信、贺电。2000年3月11日逾百人相聚 纽约市隆重举行庆祝大会,使庆祝活动达高潮。
On August 21, the Preparatory Committee for Fujian Medical University Alumni Association, USA held the first meeting in New York City. The meeting decided to initiate the establishment of official American Association of Fujian Medical University Alumni (AAFMUA). It was an exciting event for more than 200 of the alumni in the United States. The official Association will serve as a not-for-profit organization for our alumni to promote communication and support in many ways among the alumni. This is also the main function of the Association in the future. In the meeting, Dr. Ruoqing HUANG (class of 1982) was elected as Director of the committee. Dr. Zhengbo HUANG (class of 1976) and Dr.Tongchuan LI (class of 1982) were elected as Deputy Directors of the committee. Under the committee, there are several functional Divisions including that of Member Services and Telecommunications, Finance, Public Relations, Academic and Clinical Related Affairs. The committee also includes regional coordinators in the United States.