福建医科大学旅美校友会 工作总结报告 (2010-2012)

1. 校友会网站(由副会长林义顺负责网页总运行,副会长林基祯主笔博客)*







2011年8月,由罗陇前倡导、得到校友会支持的福建精神病医学杂志俱乐部成立。 这是个以我们的博客为平台的网络杂志俱乐部。 有美国和中国的精神神经病专业人员参加,进行远程交流学术进展、专业杂志阅读体会。罗陇前为主持人。






2.教育基金会每年基金募捐及优秀贫困生的选拔和资助 :由教育基金会主任李统铨,林义顺,黄夷伍负责,教育基金会集体投票。每年都有几十位校友积极参与捐款,为支持母校优秀贫困学生送去了爱心和金钱;尤其是黄若清荣誉会长不仅自己慷慨捐献,还积极游说争取到赞助商对教育基金会的大力赞助。


2010年: $19,550 ( 46位校友 + Acupath 参与捐款)

2011年: $12,000 (41位校友参与捐款)


2010年:   奖学金总数:¥74,000,获奖人数:37 位

2011年:   奖学金总数:¥84,000,获奖人数:42 位

2012年:计划颁发奖学金¥100,000 给50 位获奖学生

3. 每年校友在纽约市联谊聚会 (由副会长许蓓红组织筹划)。通过每年一度的相聚,为校友们提供联系感情,互相交流,增进友谊的机会,每次聚会都办得很成功,深受大家欢迎。参加的校友一般以大纽约地区的为主,也有来自波士顿,新泽西州,宾州和康州的校友们,除此之外,我们每次都能见到母校或附属医院派出来学习的校友们,借此机会大家相聚,其乐融融。

2010年: 9月5日在纽约市法拉盛举办了2010年校友联谊餐会暨新、旧会长交接仪式

2011年:7月17日在纽约市皇后区Alley 举办了校友联谊BBQ餐会


4.  旅美校友通讯录更新:每年秘书长孙燕玉花费大量时间和精力,连同部分年级负责人协助完成。校友通讯录已经成为校友之间互相联系不可缺少的工具。

5.  客座教授推荐工作:每年由客座教授委员会主任李统铨,陈列平,黄征波主持推荐工作,客座教授委员会投票选出客座教授候选人,报母校批审。今年经过校友会讨论,一致认为客座教授的选拔推荐的权利应归回母校。 以上讨论意见已得到母校的同意,校友会应母校的要求只在特殊情况下向母校推荐客座教授。缩减客座教授推荐委员会的工作将随后进行。

2010-2012 已聘任和即将聘任的客座教授:

2010年:   李跃生博士,陈硕博士,Theodore G. Krontiris, Ph.D.

2011年:    陈晓博士

2012年:    陈以翔博士, 冯殿博士, 林艳丰博士, 林月珍医师, 罗陇前医师 – pending approval

6.  旅美校友与福医的学术交流和合作(由副会长曾德富协调和负责):校友会大力鼓励校友与母校之间的交流和合作。每年由相当数量的校友直接或间接地与母校或附属医院联系和合作,主要由校友本人直接与福医或附属医院发生关系,个别情况下校友会参与安排。(见附件)

* 此部分内容由林义顺提供。

会长 郑榕岚



姓名 与福建医大学术交流和合作(2010 – 2012)
曹仰铭 Lecture Acute Kidney Injury
陈列平 (1) Scientific Consultant of president office of FJMU; (2) Director of Academic Committee of FJMU; (3) Postdoc Training;  (4) Director of Guest Prof Committee of AAFMUA Providing consultation service to FJMU on scientific projects. Serving the academic committee of Guest professor recommendation
陈  硕 (1) Postdoc Training; (2) PhD student training;  (3) Lecture Trained postdoc Dr.Junsheng Feng from FJMU. Trained PhD student Feng Wang. Given semina at FJMU
郭  偉 Seminar Sport’s Medicine & Rehabilitation at FJMU
何立珍 Seminar Lectured at FJMU with the topic: 肿瘤免疫治疗; 抗体制备和筛选; 抗癌疫苗; 免疫反应监测; 小鼠模型
许蓓红 (1)Vice president on alumni affairs of AAFMUA; (2)Lecture Arranged yearly alumni gathering and party.                                                                                    Lectured at the First Affiliated Hospital of FJMU with topic : “Clinical laboratory coagulation testing and practice”
黄夷伍 (1) Serving as Vice president and codirector of Education Foundation of AAFMUA ; (2) Lectures  and clinical rounds;  (3) Clinical consultation service; (4) Physician training Serving the Education Foundation of AAFMUA for fund raising administrative duty,  training Dr. Tianwen Xu from Second affiliated Hospital; Providing consulting service and giving lectures to FJMU, Beijing, Quanzhou First Hospital and affiliated 2nd hospital.
黄若青 (1) Lectures; (2) Honorary president of AAFMUA Give lectures every six months to one year at FJMU and Second Affiliated Hospitals; Significant financial contribution to the Education Foundation and promotion on  the fund raising.
黄征波 Co-director of Guest Prof Committee of AAFMUA Yearly Guest Profession recommendation to FJMU
赖来俊 Lecture  Given lecture at FJMU with topic: “T cell regeneration after bone marrow transplantation is enhanced by ESC-derived thymic epithelial cells and a novel hybrid cytokine”.
雷振民 (1) Research collaboration;  (2) Postdoc Training; (3) Semina Collaborating with Dr. Lin Lan, MD, PhD, The 2nd Affiliated Hospital, FJMU;  trained postdoc: Dr. He Yuan, MD, PhD, Department of Biochemistry, FJMU.  Given semina at FJMU.
李统铨 (1) Honorary president of AAFMUA and Director of  Education Foundation of AAFMUA; (2) Codirector of Guest Prof Committee of AAFMUA Yearly Guest Profession recommendation to FJMU                                                                                               Administrative work on student award and has represent AAFMUA for student award.
林基祯 (1) Research collaborations;  (2)Invited speaker for seminar at FJMU; (3) Vice president of AAFMUA; (4) AAFMUA Blogmaster Principle investigator of Translational Research Center of FJMU                                                                  Collaborate with ENT research institute of 1st affiliated hospital. Trained Dr. Shengnan Ye in my lab at Univ of Minnesota. Invited talk in 2011 医学科学前沿暨第四届分子靶向药物研究与应用 研讨会 Invited talk in 2012年第一届福建省肿瘤转化医学研讨会.  Seminar in 2011 at FJMU
林义顺 (1) Serving as Vice president and webmaster  of AAFMUA; (2) Codirector of Education Foundation of AAFMUA Providing maintenance and technical support of AAFMUA website and promoting communication between FJMU and our alumni.  Serving  the Education Foundation on student award.
卢坤平 (1)Serving as vice president of FJMU; (2) Postdoc training; (3) Invited lecture  入选千人计划 .Set up a central lab  at First Affiliated Hospital.Postdoc training
潘明桂 Lectures Lectured at First Affiliated Hospital, Second Affiliated Hospital and Xiamen First Hospital
阮克河 (1)Invited Lectures; (2) Postdoc training Lectured at FJMU;  Trained Dr. Xiao Hong Huang from FJMU
石奇珍 Postdoc Training Trained Yingyu Chen, PhD, from Fujian Institute of Hematology at the Union Hospital, is a postdoctoral fellow in my lab from 8/20/2010 – 6/30/2013
孙艳玉 (1) Serving as Secretary of AAFMUA;                     (2)Lectures Updating yearly AAFMUA directory. Lectured at FJMUand Second Affiliated Hospital with topics:”Updates of Lung adenocarcinoma classification, biomarkers and target treatment”   “Frozen section diagnosis during operation”.
俞金星 Invited Lectures Lectured at  Union hospital, FJMU and Fujian radiology Society with topic : “Prostate MR Update and MR Guided Prostate Biopsy.”
曾德富 (1) Vice president of AAFMUA; (2) Joint PhD student training with Prof. Yuan-Zhong Chen; (3) Invited lecture at FJMU Promote and arrange academic exchange program with FJMU PhD student Xiaofan Li has published two first author papers in J. Immunol. He has obtained funding from central government after his returning to FMU. The joint program is continuing, and paper work for training another PhD student Xian-Lin Chen is under processing. Lecture in 2010,  2011 and 2012 at FJMU.
张  凯 (1)Lectures                                         (2)Physician training Lectures: 1. Histopathology of Lung Carcinoma  2. Role of Flow Cytometry in Diagnosing Lymphoma. To train Chen Shuqin, MD, PhD, associate professor from FJMU on the area of Hematopathology and Flow Cytometry
张鲁榕 (1) Research collaboration; (2)Postdoc training; (3)Scholar exchange Set up a central lab  at First Affiliated Hospital Postdoc training. Arranged Drs. Jinsheng Hong, Wenlong Lv & Jianchen Li  as visiting physicians
张  强 (1) Research collaboration; (2)Postdoc Training Trained Dr. Lin Xiao From The First Affiliated Hospital (Department of Medicine) of FJMU。  Research work on TGF beta signaling and cancer metastasis.  Presented the preliminary study in 2012 American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) annual meeting. The manuscript is under preparation.
郑景生 Supervising clinical observership Dr. Xiaomei Lin from Fujian Medical Uni. (graduate of 2011) at Atlanticare Regional Medical Center

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