音乐视频:Gwen Stefani《Misery》(苦水)

Gwen Stefani Misery Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Where’d you go?
I got so used to being ’round you boy
I’m trying not to care, but where’d you go?
I’m doing my best to be sensible
I’m trying not to care, but
You’re like drugs, you’re like drugs to me
I’m so into you totally
You’re like drugs, you’re like drugs to me
Drugs to me
So put me outta my misery
Hurry up, come see me
Put me outta my misery
Hurry up, come see me
Enough, enough of this suffering
Hurry up, come see me
Put me outta of my misery
Put me outta my misery
[Verse 2]
Out the door
I’m thinking things I never thought before
Like what your love would taste like
Give me more
Don’t sell this feeling at the grocery store
All cause your love, it tastes like 阅读更多 (Read More)

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