Issue Four (January 2006)
In this issue of “outstanding Alumni”, we will introduce four accomplished outstanding alumni. Though they graduated in different year in the early 1980’s, they all work in either direct clinical care and research or translational research with application of clinical medicine. They have worked on different medical disciplines covering areas such as cancer medicine and biology, stem cell research, genetic basis of disease, and principles of geriatric medicine. They have all distinguished themselves in their fields of research and patient care and are active supporters of international academic exchange. We are proud of their accomplishments and wish them further successes.

Attending Physician of New York Hospital of Queens
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Cornell University Medical College
I have heard about Dr. Zheng-Bo Huang for two decades, though I have not had an opportunity to meet him. When I was working on my post-graduate studies in Peking Union Medical College Hospital in mid 1980’s, I heard many nice stories about Dr. Huang. He was well regarded in his medical knowledge and skills, as well as being very personable.
Commencing studies in Fujian Medical University in 1973, during the tumultuous years of the culture revolution, Dr. Huang not only graduated with distinction, but also advanced to the postgraduate fellowship of Peking Union Medical College Hospital, a success very rare at that time.
He distinguished again in Peking Union Medical College Hospital and in 1984 was assigned as the physician and medical consultant of the Chinese Mission to the United Nations. Subsequently Dr. Huang worked as a research associate at the College for Physicians & Surgeons at Columbia University and published important discoveries on role of macrophage cells in HIV infection. A few years later, He went on to practice medicine again and completed a 3-year medical residency at Roosevelt Hospital, New York (NY) followed by a 2-year Geriatrics Fellowship training at Mt. Sinai Hospital, NY, one of the best Geriatrics Programs in the United States. In 1998 he joined St. Vincent’s Hospital Manhattan as the Director of Geriatric Consultation and later Director of Education and Research of Acute Care for Elder Unit. In 2003 he moved to New York Hospital Queens (NYHQ) as the Director of Inpatient Geriatrics and became the co-founder of the Geriatric Fellowship Program at NYHQ. Dr. Huang published many research articles and involved in geriatric textbook writing. His current clinical and academic positions in NYHQ include Acting Director of Section of Geriatrics, Department of Medicine, Director of Geriatric Fellowship Program, Director of Inpatient Geriatrics, and Assistant Professor of Medicine, the Medical College of Cornell University, NY. Dr. Huang also has a private practice of internal medicine and geriatrics at Flushing, NY.
Dr. Huang is also very actively involved in the activities of AAFMUA and is one of the founding leaders of this organization. We thank him for supporting our organization and Fujian Medical University in academic exchanges he has contributed in many aspects.
Dr. Huang has played important role in his position as director of geriatric fellowship program and has published well in the field of geriatrics. Following are some of his select publications.
Following are his selected recent publications:
1. Ahronheim J, Huang Z-B, Yen V, Davitt C and Barile D. Case Studies in Geriatric Medicine. London: Cambridge University Press, 2005
2. Huang Z-B, Neufeld R, Likoureszos A, Breuer B, Khaski A, and Milano E. Sociodemographic and Health Characteristics of Elderly Chinese on Admission to a Nursing Home: A Cross Racial/Ethic Study. JAGS 2003; 51 (3): 404-409.
3. Huang Z-B and Ahronheim J. Issues in Nutrition and Hydration. In: Berger AM, Portenoy RK, and Weissman DE, editors. Principles and Practice of Palliative Care and Supportive Oncology. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2002, pp.956-967.
4. Huang Z-B and Ahronheim J. Hydration and Nutrition in Terminally Ill Patients: An Update. In: Matzo ML and Lynn J. (ed.) Clinics in Geriatric Medicine 2000: Death and Dying. 2000; 16(2):313-25.
5. Huang Z-B, Ahronheim J. The Effect of Vitamin B12 deficiency on the health of older individuals. JAGS 1999; 47: 1155-6. (Letter)

黄夷伍 YIWU HUANG, M.D., Ph.D.
Hematologist/Oncologist of Maimonides Medical Center
Assistant Professor of Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Dr. Yiwu Huang was a graduate of Fujian Medical University class 1984, and a classmate of mine. I have known him for 26 years and my admiration for his intelligence, kindness, and hardworking has not waned a bit. He has been always ahead of his peers and his vast medical knowledge spills beyond his own field of expertise.
Immediately after graduating from FMU, Dr. Yiwu Huang advanced to the graduate school of one of the most prestigious medical centers in China, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences in Beijing. He specialized in gastroenterology in the department of medicine under the guidance of Professors Zhang Xiaoquan (张孝骞) and He Lun (何轮). He obtained Clinical Medical Doctor diplomat (临床医学博士) in 1989, one of the first few doctorates in clinical medicine in China at the time. In 1990, he came to the Cancer Immunobiology Center at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas as a post-doctor fellow to study cancer immunotherapy, particularly hematological malignancies. He made significant contributions to the field of cancer biology and published several papers. In 1997, he started residency training in Medicine at Staten Island University Hospital in New York. In 2003, he completed his hematology and medical oncology fellowship training at the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. Since 2003, he has been an attending hematologist and medical oncologist in Maimonides Medical Center in New York City and Assistant Professor of Mount Sinai School of Medicine.
Dr. Huang is an outstanding hematologist and oncologist, an expert cancer care specialist and a respected investigator. He is certified in the American Boards of Internal Medicine, Hematology and Medical Oncology. He has published research papers on a host of blood and cancer-related conditions, including multiple myeloma, lymphoma, gastric cancer, liver cancer, sickle cell disease, hemophilia and thrombosis. He is the author of over 30 published articles and abstracts.
In addition, Dr. Huang offered his expertise to serve the United States’ growing Chinese-American population. Through American Cancer Society, he has delivered numerous presentations to Chinese patients, and he has authored two Chinese- language books “Chemotherapy Guide for the Cancer patients” and “Home Care Guide during Chemotherapy”. He has been interviewed many times in the British Broadcast Company (BBC) and the Voice of America (VOA) over the last few years.
Dr. Huang has received numerous honors and awards, including first place in the Clinical Vignette Division for the American College of Physicians and American Society of Internal Medicine, and the Resident Research Award of the Staten Island University Hospital.
Dr. Huang currently serves as the associate program director, hematology-oncology fellowship training program, and director of clinical research in the division of Hematology and Oncology, Maimonides Medical Center. He also is an assistant professor of medicine in Mount Sinai School of Medicine and a guest professor at Fujian Medical University.
Following are his selected recent publications:
1) Tache J, Saffra N., Marshak H, Aithal S, Novetsky A., Huang Y-W. Retinal vein thrombosis as the presenting symptom of essential thrombocythemia. Am Journal of Medical Sciences, 2005, 329: 139-140
2) Huang Y-W, Philips, C, Saidi P. Acquired factor VIII inhibitor in non-hemophilic patients: clinical analysis of 15 cases. Haemophilia, 10:713-721, 2005
3) Huang Y, Saidi P. Acquired von-Willebrand disease in a patient with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance. Am. J. Med. Sciences, 327: 98-101, 2004
4) Huang Y, AnanthakrishnanT, Eid J. Hydroxyurea induced splenic regrowth in an adult patient with severe hemoglobin SC disease. Am. J. Hematology, 74:125-126, 2003
5) Huang, Y-W, Wertheim S., Scheff R, Arbit E., and Hayes R. Treatment of refractory recurrent malignant glioma with adoptive cellular immunotherapy: a case report. Critical review in Hematology and Oncology, 57:17-23. 2000
Published books:
1) Shi Yu and Yiwu Huang. Chemotherapy Guide for Cancer Patients. Fellows Press of America, Inc, USA, 2003
2) Yiwu Huang. Home care guide during chemotherapy. Fellows Press of America, Inc, USA, 2004

Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, University of California Irvine
Taosheng Huang, MD, Ph.D was a graduate of class 1983 and is currently an assistant professor in pediatrics, developmental biology, and pathology at University of California Irvine. He is also the director for the Cardiovascular Genetics Clinic and the director for the MitoMed Molecular Diagnostic laboratory. Dr. Huang is a very accomplished and internationally known researcher and physician.
After graduating from Fujian Medical University, Dr. Huang advanced right onto the graduate program at the Third Military Medical University in Chongqing and obtained his Master’s degree in biochemistry in 1986. His Master’s degree thesis focused on the protein metabolism of burn injuries in animal models and the therapeutic effects of insulin and branched chain amino acids. Subsequently, he moved to New York for his PhD study at Mount Sinai Medical School. During his PhD study, he worked on the replication and transcription of the influenza virus. He found that four viral proteins were essential for viral replication and transcription. He also found that Mx proteins inhibited influenza virus replication by inhibiting viral polymerase II. After a short period of postdoctoral fellowship training in the Holland Laboratory at the American Red Cross, he started his pediatrics residency at Georgetown University Hospital.
From 1996 to 1999, he completed a clinical genetics and clinical molecular genetics fellowship at Harvard Medical School. He was a junior faculty at the Children’s Hospital at Harvard from 1999-2001. His research involved understanding the genetic basis of congenital heart diseases. In 2001, he moved to the University of California, Irvine with the current responsibility. Dr. Huang is board-certified in Pediatrics, Clinical Genetics and Clinical Molecular Genetics.
The primary interests of his laboratory are molecular basis of genetic syndromes, and applying discoveries from genetic syndromes to understanding more common diseases. Currently, his laboratory is focused on the following areas.
· The intracellular pathway of TBX5 in the context of congenital cardiac defects
· Role of TBX3 gene in breast cancer.
· Identifying disease-causing gene associated with noncompaction of the ventricular myocardium (spongy heart)
· Genetic basis of optic atrophy.
Clinically, he is interested in genetic syndromes with congenital cardiac defects.
He has been actively engaged in the exchange program between the United States and China. He is the former medical director of the American Chinese Medical Association. He was invited to visit China multiple times to discuss the health policy. In the recent years, he has been engaged in training clinical geneticists in China. He was the course director for the 2005 International Medical Genetics Symposium in Beijing in July 2005 and co-organizer of the First Hangzhou International Symposium of Genetic and Genomic Medicine from Oct. 6 to Oct. 8-2005. He is guest professors of Fujian Medical University and Beijing University, A special professor and co-director of the Center of Genetics and Genomics Medicine at Zhejiang University.. He was recently appointed to be a member of the special committee for Yousheng Youyu (优生优育) of the People’s Republic of China.
Following are Dr. Huang’s recent selected publications:
A. Original Articles
1. Taosheng Huang, Wenxue Yang, Alexandre Pereira, Vivian E Shih. Cloning and characterization of a putative human 2-hydroxylacid dehydrogenase, Biophysica Biochemica Research Communication, 268:298-301. 2000
2. Taosheng Huang, Angela E. Lin, Gerry Cox, Wendy L. Golden, Mitsuhiro Kamisago, Gerald L. Feldman, Stefan Vermeulen, Moog Ute, Connie Schrander-Stumpel: Variable Cardiac Phenotypes in Chromosome 4q- Syndrome with dHAND Deletion, Genetics in Medicine, 4(6) 464-467, 2002
3. Taosheng Huang & Mark Korson, Celeste Krauss, Lewis B. Holmes: A New Genetic Syndrome: Four Cases with Encephalocele, triphalangeal thumb, American Journal of Medical Genetics 111:178-181, 2002 (Collected by London Dysmorphology Database)
4. Taosheng Huang, James E Lock, Audrey C Marshall, Craig Basson, J.G. Seidman, Christine E. Seidman. Causes of Clinical Diversity in TBX5 Mutations Cold Spring Harbor Quantitative Biology Symposium, LXVII 115-120, 2003
5. Helen M. Lyon, Lewis B Holmes and Taosheng Huang Multiple congenital anomalies associated with in utero exposure phynotoin support hypoxic ischemic mechanisms Birth Defect Research (Part A) 67:993-996, 2003
6. Drapkin RI, Genest DR, Holmes LB, Huang T, Vargas SO. Unilateral transverse arm defect with subterminal digital nubbins. Pediatrics Developmental Pathology 6(4): 348-354, 2003.
7. Guifeng Sun Lisa E Lewis, Xu Huang, Quang Nguyen, Christopher Price, Taosheng Huang: TBX5, a gene mutated in Holt-Oram syndrome, is regulated through a GC box and T-box binding elements (TBEs), Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 2004; 92(1):189-99
8. Mike Zaragoza, Lisa E. Lewis, Guifeng Sun, Eric Wang, Ling Li, Ilham Said-Salman, Laura Feucht, Taosheng Huang: Identification of the TBX5 Transactivating Domain And the Nuclear Localization Signal, Gene, 2004, 330:9-18
9. Weiwei Fan, Xu Huang, Chira Chen, Joe Gray and Taosheng Huang: TBX3 and TBX3+2a are Functionally Distinctive in Inhibition of Senescence and are Overexpressed in a Subset of Breast Cancer Cell Lines, Cancer Research, 2004, 64(15):5132-9
10. Taosheng Huang, Jong Dae Whang, Virginia Kimonis, Sex-Influenced Autosomal Dominant Optic Atrophy is Caused by Mutations of IVS9 +2A>G in The OPA1 Gene, Genetics in Medicine in press
B. Reviews
1. Taosheng Huang: Current advances in Holt-Oram syndrome, Curr Opin Pediatr. 14(6):691-5. 2002
2. Taosheng Haung, Ming Qi. Report − 21st century medical genetic and genomic medicine in China, Journal of Zhejian University Science

林基祯 JIZHEN LIN, M.D., M.S.
Assistant Professor, University of Minnesota
Dr. Jizhen Lin is currently an Assistant Professor of Department of Otolaryngology, the University of Minnesota, with a focus on teaching and clinical-oriented research. The University of Minnesota School of Medicine is known for its pioneer work on open-heart surgery, kidney transplantation, nuclear magnetic resonance, and stem cell research, etc. However, her prestigious research and training programs on otolaryngology is especially reputable in the world. Many residents trained in the department of otolaryngology have become academicians, chairpersons, and heavyweights in the U.S and beyond. Many young head and neck surgeons (otolaryngologists) steer their interest in coming to the University of Minnesota for training and collaboration despite the city’s freezing whether blanketing much of a year. Dr. Lin was one of the pilgrims.
Dr. Lin obtained his medical degree (bachelor) in 1982 in FMU, followed by working for two years as a general surgeon in Saxian County hospital, a small but cozy town in the North of Fujian. He then became a graduate student of Drs. Xu GuangYi (former president of the Union Hospital) and Li Guofan (late prestigious professors at FMU) until 1987. He came to the University of Minnesota in 1991 as a visiting instructor, working hard in the field of molecular biology of the ear from 1993 to 1996, leading to an addition of a molecular biology laboratory in the otitis media research center in 1997 in the School of Medicine. Dr. Lin began to co-direct the Otopathology laboratory in 1998, and was promoted assistant professor in 1999.
Dr. Lin has obtained awards from the National Institutes of Health (NIH and NCI) for his career development and research projects, published more than 40 papers, and participated in multiple research programs involving mechanism of otitis media, biology of stem cell, as well as cancer research. He has been invited as a guest speaker on “infection and mucins in the ear” at the 3rd International Symposium on Pneumococci and Pneumococcal Diseases (sponsored by American Society for Microbiology), “stem cells and deafness” at the Karolinsky Institute hospital (Stokhom, Swiden), and “molecular biology in ear, nose, and throat (ENT)” at the Jiao-Tong University and FMU (Xi’An and Fuzhou, China) as well as to be listed in Marquis Who’s Who in Medicine and Healthcare and Who’s Who in American and Who’s Who in the World.
Dr. Lin’s laboratory has cloned a novel gene relevant to otitis media, has detected a mutated gene and established several cell lines in the middle and inner ear for the otological society, and has extensively studied the molecular mechanism for mucous cell metaplasia in infectious middle ear diseases. His laboratory is now working on auditory hair cell development, differentiation of cochlear stem cells into auditory hair cells and sensory neurons. In collaborating with prestigious professors and distinguished doctors at the University of Minnesota and his home university (FMU), Dr. Lin is now working on culturing bone marrow stem cells, programming them at the point of half differentiation, with goal of inoculating the cells into deafened animal ears for restoring hearing.
Following are a summary of Dr. Lin’s major contributions in his field of research:
1. Establishment of an animal model for mucoid otitis media and two temperature-sensitive middle ear epithelial cell lines for middle ear physiologic and pathologic research.
2. Identification of tumor necrotic factor alpha (TNFα) as a trigger for mucous cell metaplasia in the middle ear and identification of major mucins (MUC5B and MUC4) in the middle ear mucosa with otitis media.
3. Isolation of cochlear stem cells from postnatal mice and induction of stem cell differentiation in vitro. Generation of auditory sensorineural epithelial cells from bone marrow stem cells for cell therapy of deafness.
4. Identification of two genes (Id1 and NF-κB) that synergistically trigger the carcinogenesis of squamous cells (e.,g., Id1 and NF-κB work together to turn non-tumorigenic keratinocytes into tumors in immunodeficient nude mice whereas knockdown of these two genes with siRNAs dramatically limit tumor growth in vitro and in vivo).
Dr. Lin has cultivated close collaborations with FMU as well as other international institutions. He has made significant contributions to the scholarly exchange with FMU. His contact address: Department of Otolaryngology, Minnesota University, 2001 6th Street SE, Room 216, LRB, Minneapolis, MN 55455. 612-626-9872 (Office I), 612-624-5059 (Office II), 612-624-6012 (Lab), 612-626-9871 (Fax), E-mail
Following are Dr. Lin’s selected recent publications:
1. Kawano H, Paparella MM, Ho SB, Schachern PA, Morizono N, Le CT, Lin J: Identification of MUC5B mucin gene in human middle ear with chronic otitis media. Laryngoscope 2000; 110:668-73.
2. Lin J, Haruta A, Kawano H, Ho SB, Juhn SK, Giebink GS, Adams JL, Kim Y: Induction of mucin gene _expression in the middle ear of rats by TNF-α: A potential cause for mucoid otitis media. J Infect Dis 2000; 182: 882-7.
3. Li W, Lin J, Adams GL, Juhn SK: _Expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) in middle ear epithelial cells by IL-1β and TNF-α. Int J Pediat Otolaryngol 2000; 55: 91-8.
4. Lin J, Tsuprun V, Kawano H, Zhang Z, Andway R, Paparella MM, Ho SB: Characterization of mucins in human middle ear and Eustachian tube. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 2001; 280:L1157-67.
5. Shekels LL, Anway RE, Lin J, Kennedy MW, Garside P, Lawrence CE, Ho SB: Coordinated Muc2 and Muc3 mucin gene _expression in Trichinella Spriralis infection in wild-type and cytokine deficient mice. Dig Dis Sci 2001 46:1757-64.
6. Kawano H, Shachern P, Haruta A, Kim Y, Paparella MM, Lin J: Induction of mucoid effusion in rat middle ear: a role of TNF-α in the pathogenesis of mucoid otitis media. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 2002; 111:415-422.
7. Tsuboi Y, Kim Y, Giebink GS, Paparella MM, Chen N, Le C, Schachern PA, Juhn SK, Lin J: Induction of mucous cell metaplasia in middle ear of rats by a three-step method: An improved model for mucoid otitis media? Acta Otolaryngol 2002; 122:153-160.
8. Pan W, Lin J, Le C: Model-based cluster analysis of microarray gene expression data. Genome Biol 2002, 3: 1-8
9. Pan W, Lin J, Le CT: How many replicates of arrays are required to detect gene expression changes in microarray experiments? A mixture model approach. Genome Biol 2002; 3:1-10.
10. Lin J, Tsuboi Y, Pan W, Giebink SG, Kim Y: Analysis by cDNA microarrays of altered gene expression in middle ears of rats with pneumococcal infection. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 2002, 65:203-11.
11. Pan W, Lin J, Le CT: How many replicates of arrays are required to detect gene expression changes in microarray experiments? A mixture model approach. Genome Biol 2002; 3:1-10.
12. Lin J, Ozeki M, Javel E, Pan W, Shlentz EP, Zhao Z, Levine S: Recognition of gene expression patterns in the ear of rats with cDNA microarray. Hear Res 2003, 175: 2-13.
13. Ozeki M, Duan L, Hamajima Y, Obritch W, Edson-Herzovi D Lin J: Establishment and characterization of rat progenitor hair cell lines. Hear Res 2003; 179:43-52.
14. Pan W, Lin J, Le C: A mixture model approach to detecting differentially expressed genes with microarray data. Funct Integr Genomics 2003, 3:117-24.
15. Lin J, Rimell F, Liu G, Tsuboi Y, Paparella MM, Anway R, Kim, Y, Ho SB: Expression of mucins in Human Mucoid Otitis Media. JARO 2003; 4:384-393.
16. Toyama K, Kim Y, Paparella MM, Lin J: Temperature –sensitive SV40 Immortalized Rat Middle Ear Epithelial Cells. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 2004; 113:967-74.
17. Toyama K, Kim Y, Paparella MM, Lin J: Temperature –sensitive SV40 Immortalized Rat Middle Ear Epithelial Cells. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 2004; 113:967-74.
18. Lee Y-W, Ozeki M, Juhn SK, Lin J: Expression of Platelet Derived Growth Factor in the Developing Cochlea of Rats. Acta 2004; 124:558-62.
19. Ozeki M, Schlentz EP, Lin J. Characterization of the Id3 Gene in the Developing Cochlear Tissue of Rats. Acta Otolaryngol 2005, 201:21-6.
20. Toyama K, Ozeki M, Hamajima Y, Lin J. Expression of the Integrin Genes in the Developing Cochlea of Rats. Hear Res 2005, 125:244-249.
21. Lim, DJ, Hellstrom SO, Alper CM, Andalibi A, Bakaletz LO, Buchman CA, Caye-Thomason P, Chole RA, Herman P, Hermansson A, Hussl B, Iino Y, Jung TTK, Kawauchi H, Kerschner J, Lin J, Merchant SN, Paparella MM. Animal models; anatomy and pathology; pathogenesis; cell biology and genetics. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 2005; Suppl. 31-41.
22. Ryan AF, Juhn SK, Andalibi A, Bakaletz LO, Ehrlich GD, Jung TK, Li JD, Lin J, Post CJ. Molecular biology. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 2005; Suppl. 41-9.
23. Ryan AF, Jung TT, Juhn SK, Li JD, Andalibi A, Lin J, Bakaletz LO, Post CJ, Ehrlich GD. Recent advances in otitis media. 4C. Interaction between middle ear and inner ear in otitis media. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol Suppl. 2005 Jan;194:56-9.
24. Ryan AF, Jung TT, Juhn SK, Li JD, Andalibi A, Lin J, Bakaletz LO, Post CJ, Ehrlich GD. Recent advances in otitis media. 4B. Biochemistry. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol Suppl. 2005 Jan;194:50-5.
25. Tsuchiya K, Kim Y, Ondrey FG, Lin J: characterization of a temperature-sensitive mouse middle ear epithelial cell line. Acta Otolaryngol 2005; 125:823-9.
26. Zhang QA, Zhang Q, Hamajima Y, Paparella MM, Lin J: Cholesteatoma and chronic inflammatory changes in the ossicular chain area. Acta Otolaryngol 2006; in press.
27. Ozeki M, Hamajima Y, Feng L, Ondrey FG, Zheng M, Schlentz EP, Lin J: Id1 induces the proliferation of cochlear sensorineural epithelial cells via the NF-kB/cyclin D1 pathway in vitro. Neuroscience 2006. revised.
(Article contributed by Minggui Pan)