福医美国校友会新会长选举结果 10/10/2022


Dr. Xudong Xu is elected to be the next president of the AAFMUA. Congratulations to Dr. Xu!

October 10, 2022
Dear AAFMUA Alumni and Friends,

    • The AAFMUA Election Committee is pleased to announce the result of the AAFMUA presidential election for the term of 2023-2024. Dr. Xudong Xu (许旭东), who is the current vice president, has been elected as the next president of AAFMUA.
    • The Working Committee members casted their vote on the candidate nominated by the general members of the AAFMUA following AAFMUA bylaws. From the 2nd to the 9th of October, 2022, all the working Committee members who casted their vote were in favor of Dr. Xudong Xu. We sincerely congratulate him on being trusted and given the honorable duty to serve the great community of AAFMUA.
    • Thank you for your continuous support.
    • Yiwu Huang 黄夷伍
      Yan Jiang 江燕
      Tongchuan Li 李统铨
      Danjuan Lin 林丹娟
      Yishun Lin 林义顺
      Xiaoling Lu鲁晓玲
    • On behalf of AAFMUA Election Committee of 2022

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