Annual Report of AAFMUA Year 2003

It has been my second year as president of AAFMUA. As this term of AAFMUA leadership is approaching the end, I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank all FJMU alumni in the United States for your continued support in the past year. Your efforts and contributions are the sources for our organizational success. Here I want to highlight our major activities in 2003 and present you an annual report of AAFMUA. 阅读更多 (Read More)

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Annual Report of AAFMUA, Year 2002

It has been my pleasure to serves as president of AAFMUA since February of 2002 when the second term leadership was elected. I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank all FJMU alumni in the United States for your continued support in the past year. Your efforts and contributions are the sources for our organizational success. Now I want to highlight our major activities in 2002 and present you an annual report of AAFMUA. 阅读更多 (Read More)

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〖校友会讯〗福建医科大学受国家卫生部及中华医学会委托,在美国校友会的积极支持下,于2001年12月3日至5日在校本部举办了《国际肿瘤基础与临床研究新进展研习班》。美国校友会受学校的邀请,在会长黄若青博士积极组织下,共有6位校友回国出席了这次讲习班,进行了卓有成效的学术交流。在校领导的有力支持和关怀下,在与会的国内外各位专家的共同努力下,此次讲习班进行得非常成功。在校访问期间,校友会还与学校的主要领导、基础医学院、科研处、附属协和医院及附属一院的领导进行了广泛的交流,共商母校及附属医院在科研、教学及临床工作的发展大计及合作项目的可行性。黄夷伍和潘明桂博士还到协和及附属一院参与了临床工作并进行临床经验交流。在这次回母校的访问中,张鲁榕、黄若青、黄夷伍和潘明桂博士还向母校捐献了一批医学书籍和光碟。虽然这次母校行只有短短的三天,但成效甚卓。我们相信这种积极有效的交流将持续下去。在海内外校友与母校的共同努力下,福医一定能够发展得更快更好,一定能实现宏伟的发展目标。 阅读更多 (Read More)

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