CAR T-Cell Therapy: Engineering Patients’ Immune Cells to Treat Their Cancers

For years, the cornerstones of cancer treatment have been surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. Over the last decade, targeted therapies like imatinib (Gleevec®) and trastuzumab (Herceptin®)—drugs that target cancer cells by homing in on specific molecular changes seen primarily in those cells—have also emerged as standard treatments for a number of cancers. 阅读更多 (Read More)

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午夜阳光之地阿拉斯加27:首府朱诺城 Juneau

朱诺是阿拉斯加的首府,人口大约3到4万人。虽然人口不多,但是朱诺市是全美各州首府中面积最大的一个,实际上,朱诺市的面积超过特拉华州全州面积。朱诺和外界不通汽车和火车。因此朱诺人说:要来到朱诺只有三种方法,坐飞机来、坐轮船来、还有一种母亲怀孕生下来。 阅读更多 (Read More)

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